For the last several years, the trend of selecting a “word for the year” has been rising in popularity. Some examples of these words include “Limitless”, “Intentional”, “Create”, and “Forward”. The idea is that your word of choice clarifies your intent, intensifies your focus, and serves as a catalyst for action. For 2019 I […]
Right before the new year, a friend of mine posted a note on Facebook that New Year’s resolutions actually start the first Tuesday after the first Monday of the new year. It occurred to me that taking this approach might actually extend some resolutions into the year longer than they might last otherwise! In fact, […]
In our last blog post, we explored the Ladder of Inference and its impact at the organizational level. What we didn’t explore was how it impacts all of us in one-on-one situations. Consider this: In a recent workshop exercise, we asked participants to interview one another in pairs. In this case, the interviewers were only allowed […]
The Ladder of Inference is a mental model for communication – ours and others – and whether we are conscious of it or not, it impacts the way we interact every day. The concept of the Ladder of Inference was originally developed by Chris Argyris and is explored in The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by Peter Senge. The basic […]
In early 2016 one of my favorite clients asked me to watch A Faster Horse to pull out some key thoughts for a meeting. A Faster Horse is a documentary about the making of the 2015 Ford Mustang. The film shares the entire journey from design to production. I am not a car person so, honestly, I wasn’t really expecting […]
Leadership makes a difference. In fact, the data shows that leadership makes the biggest difference when it comes to change. Prosci, a global research firm and team of change fanatics with the largest body of change management data, has found that: The #1 contributor to successful change is active and visible sponsorship from leaders.* In fact, in each […]