Everybody needs a coach – that is, if you want them to be as good as they can be. Coaches provide powerful opportunities for growth.

Everybody needs a coach – that is, if you want them to be as good as they can be. Coaches provide powerful opportunities for growth.
One of the best pieces of feedback I ever received was, “It’s not about you, it’s about them.” It came when I was rehearsing for a workshop. During my preparation, I was laser-focused on my performance – what I was doing and how it would be perceived. Was I making my points clearly enough? Was my […]
Every day presents an opportunity for growth. “Are you growing or dying?” It’s a question Coach Lou Holtz often asks during his presentations, and I’ve been very fortunate to see him speak several times. Each time I am inspired by the personal examples he shares and his stories of how continuous growth propels success. I […]
Organizations make decisions that create change every day, from structure, mergers, acquisitions, processes, technology, service models and methods, etc. It is what comes after the decision to change that determines the difference between success and failure. To lay the foundation for success, start any change process with two questions: 1. From a business perspective, […]
We’ve all heard the old adage “Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you react!” That is especially true for leaders in times of challenge. When things don’t go well and we experience lost clients/customers, budget overruns, turnover, bad PR, negative customer or employee feedback, slow sales or other adversity, […]
Mike Krzyzewski, head basketball coach at Duke University, is known to be a great leader, demanding coach, and a stickler for performance. One of his quotes that resonates in both sports and business is “When you win, sometimes it overshadows a poor performance.” Today, I see companies face this challenge, perhaps without even realizing it. There […]