Why Leadership Teams Need Healthy Disagreement

Much has been written about team building and the importance of being a cohesive team in creating and maintaining a successful organization. The research team at RHR International has even confirmed the value of teamwork in relation to specific team performance. Often, when people hear “cohesive” and “strong teamwork”, they presume that manifests as consensus in approach or […]

Stopping the Epidemic of Poor Managers

Archos Advisors’ David Graham asked an audience of nearly 200 people, “Have you ever left a job because of a bad manager?” It seemed like a simple enough, non-controversial question, yet the response was shocking. At least 80% of the people raised their hands. Later in the session, I asked the same group what percentage […]

Combatting Complacency

Complacency has the capacity to “kill” companies and leaders. It can stunt growth , limit effectiveness, and yes, even lead to becoming obsolete. 

How to Meet the Expectations of Transparency

One of the most powerful things you can do is arm your people with information to make a greater contribution to the organization, and that includes the financial picture.

Promoting and Accepting Feedback

Feedback is Information, and information is Power – the power to change, the power to create, the power to move, the power to evolve, the power to innovate.  Without feedback, you do not learn.  Without feedback, your team members don’t learn.

Are You Empowering “Builders” to Unlock Economic Energy?

What is a “Builder”? A Builder, as defined by Gallup, is one who creates economic energy where none previously existed. Builders start new ventures or create something within an existing organization: a business line, product or service, strategic initiative, or a new team. These creations all come with the goal of driving the new or existing organization forward […]